Ever had a lightbulb moment whilst standing under a steamy shower spray? You’re not alone. A recent survey revealed that a whopping 80% of Aussies do their best thinking in the shower. Today, we’ve got a ripper for you: a look at some of the best shower thoughts that sprang to life under a torrent of water and ended up as real-world wins.
The Harry Potter Revelation

While J.K. Rowling, the British author behind the cultural phenomenon that is “Harry Potter,” initially conceived the magical world and its boy-hero during a train journey; one of the best shower thoughts she had played a pivotal role in shaping many of the intricate details that captivated readers and moviegoers alike.
Rowling has recounted in interviews how some of her most iconic ideas, from magical spells to crucial plot twists, took form whilst she was standing under the soothing streams of water. Shower time served as a secluded sanctuary where she could escape from the day’s distractions and stresses, letting her imagination roam free in the magical world of Hogwarts. It was there that she untangled complex story arcs, developed some of her memorable characters, and polished plot elements that were stuck in her mind.
Have you ever wondered how she thought of the ingenious hiding places of Horcruxes or the twist in Professor Snape’s character? Rowling herself has admitted that several of the best shower thoughts she had were her “Eureka” moments when creating momentous scenes. And let’s not forget the snappy spells and enchanting incantations—some were refined and even created amidst a cloud of steam and droplets of water. It’s astounding to consider that the multi-billion-dollar franchise, which has captivated the hearts of both young and old across the globe, owes part of its brilliance to a series of contemplative showers.
Archimedes' Legendary Eureka Moment

You can’t delve into the realm of the best shower thoughts without honouring the bloke who literally wrote the book on it — Archimedes. This ancient Greek mathematician and inventor had his most famous ‘aha’ moment in a public bath, which in his day was the closest thing to our modern showers.
Archimedes was grappling with a challenging problem set by the King of Syracuse—how to determine whether a golden crown was made of pure gold without melting it down or damaging it. The story goes that as he stepped into the bath and noticed the water level rise, he suddenly realised he could use the principle of displacement to solve the king’s dilemma.
Euphoric with his discovery, Archimedes leapt out of the bath and ran through the streets of Syracuse, starkers, shouting “Eureka!” which means “I have found it!” His method was to submerge the crown in water and measure the volume of water it displaced, then compare that to the volume of an equal weight of pure gold. This shower thought was a brilliant way to verify the crown’s purity without damaging it in the slightest.
Ed Sheeran and the 'Little Things' that Make a Big Hit

It’s not just inventors, scientists, and ancient Greeks who find their muse in the midst of a shower. Even contemporary artists like Ed Sheeran have their best shower thoughts amidst the steam. Believe it or not, the hit song “Little Things,” made famous by One Direction, was conceived by Ed Sheeran in quite an ordinary setting—a shower room in Copenhagen.
Ed was on tour, and like any artist, he found himself constantly enveloped in a whirlwind of venues, fans, and a busy schedule. But it was in the solitude of a Copenhagen shower room that the lyrics and melody for “Little Things” started to flow as easily as the water cascading from the showerhead. Sometimes the most extraordinary moments of creativity come when we allow ourselves a break from the chaos of everyday life.
Within a short period, the song was penned, recorded, and ultimately performed by One Direction. It became a chart-topping hit, resonating with fans across the globe.
The Golden Calm Room and Underwater Epiphanies of Japan's Dr. NakaMats

When you think of eccentric inventors and their unusual practices, Japan’s Dr. Yoshiro Nakamatsu—or Dr. NakaMats, as he prefers, or even Sir Dr. NakaMats if you’re so inclined—stands in a league of his own. Though it’s not crystal clear whether his most famous invention, the floppy disk, came to life as a shower thought, his methods for coaxing creativity out of his mind are certainly worth a mention on this list.
Sir Dr. NakaMats has a haven for his inventive thinking—a bathroom dubbed the Calm Room, decked out entirely in 24-carat gold tiles. According to him, the gold blocks out radio waves and television signals that he claims are “harmful to imagination.” Even the construction of this sanctuary has been carefully executed; it’s built without nails to avoid any distractions or disruptions to his thought process. Your own shower routine might not be this extravagant, but it can say a lot about your personality. Find out what your shower habits reveal about you here.
However, his thinking doesn’t solely take place on dry land. Dr. NakaMats dives deep underwater, holding his breath for extended periods. “To starve the brain of oxygen, you must dive deep and allow the water pressure to fill the brain with blood,” he advises. It’s in these low-oxygen states, just half a second before what he perceives as his potential demise, that he claims his most illuminating ideas come to him. Armed with a proprietary waterproof notepad, he scribbles down the best shower thoughts he would have and floats back up to the surface world.
The Sorkin Shower: Hitting the Reset Button on Writer's Block

American screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, known for creating iconic TV shows like ‘The West Wing’ and ‘The Newsroom’, has a rather peculiar approach to combating writer’s block—and it involves a lot of water. Yes, Sorkin may have one of the most expensive water bills in Hollywood!
So, why the shower, you ask? According to Sorkin, it serves as a mental reset button to generate the best shower thoughts. “If I’m struggling creatively, nothing serves as a better restart than a good scrub,” he says. “It allows me to clear my mind, change my outfit and come back to the problem afresh. On challenging days, I end up practically sparkling from cleanliness.”
As peculiar as it sounds, Sorkin isn’t alone in his water-logged strategy for inspiration. Research by cognitive scientist Scott Barry Kaufman indicates that 72% of people come up with creative ideas while showering. Kaufman suggests that the tranquil and solitary setting of a shower invites free thought, enabling us to “tap into the flow of our innermost thoughts and daydreams.”
From Bathtub to Boardroom: The Sarah Breedlove Story

Growing up in Louisiana, Sarah Breedlove, better known to the world as Madam C.J. Walker, wrestled with persistent scalp issues for a significant portion of her life. But instead of settling for the hand she’d been dealt, Walker was compelled to make her own solutions—quite literally. Experimenting with various homemade treatments and pharmaceuticals right in her own bathtub, she eventually formulated a transformative range of haircare products targeted towards African-American women.
Her business kicked off in 1905, and its trajectory was nothing short of meteoric. So impressive was her enterprise that by 1919, the Guinness World Records named her the world’s first self-made female millionaire. In less than 15 years, Walker had gone from mixing remedies in her tub to establishing a million-dollar empire.
Ready for Your Next "Aha" Moment?
Who knows what could be the best shower thoughts lurking in the corners of your mind, ready to pop up under the soothing stream of your shower? If you’re looking for an extra dose of inspiration, you might want to check out our blog on The Most Glamorous Luxury Hotel Showers in the World.
Now, we’re not saying you need to make a groundbreaking discovery every time you take a shower. But a well-maintained shower space could be the birthplace of your next genius idea.
With over 25 years of experience, we’ve collaborated with several property managers and homeowners across New South Wales and Queensland, helping to streamline their repairs and maintenance projects. If you would like a free quote for sealing or regrouting your shower or balcony, just call 1300 888 806, or fill out the form here. We can guarantee a technician to help you within 24 hours.